Ok im posting after one month two days (:
Not that i dont wanna update la. Just so boring to rattle the same thing over and over again?

Ok had napha today .
My scores:
Sit and reach-55cm
Shuttle run - 9.5sec
Standing broadjump- 233cm
2.4 dash- Not taken yet .

So yeah ,prepare to get gold?i hope so =p
i think my sit and reach was highest in my class .
Even the "pro dancer" -lsm,whos suppose to be "flexible" and all,got 52?
HAHA . ok my standing broadjump sucks totally.
Brian 1st try was 283? like wtf he slided -.- . 2nd try : 26+ yea .
And he sprained his ankle while running shuttle run,cos he slide again .
For the rest,nothing much la,im suprised i can get my score though,i dint exercise much :)

After napha,we went to mac to have breakfast.
Tmd woodlands mac service totally SUCKS .
They're slow like f man,we all waited around 5mins per person?
When it was my turn,i ordered hotcakes,and that idiot dint give me any butter,but gave me chilli sauce. Like wtf will i want chilli sauce?with hotcakes? -.-
After breakfast,the girls stoned at the first floor argue-ing whose house to go .
At first wan go mel mel hse de la ,then all dont wan,except for julene.
"ron balls " LOL!
so in the end we went to lene's house .
Watched the ending of son of the mask,and a lot like love .
Then just rot at her hse,and went home .

Ya and today's my birthday,im suprised NO ONE tags saying "happy birthday" or something o.O . MY PARENT DINT EVEN WISH ME WTF .


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